Science continues to reinforce the relationship between our physical and mental health. Research by the Mental Health Foundation shows that physical activity is proven to enhance mood, boost self-esteem and lower stress.

As well as offering coaching, which I consider a form of exercise for the mind and a practice to strengthen our self-awareness muscles, I am also a certified yoga teacher and huge advocate of this wonderful practice for both our physical and mental wellbeing.

‘Your mind, emotions and body are instruments and the way you align and tune them determines how well you play life.’

Harbhajan Singh Yogi

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Yoga means unity, which can be defined in many ways but the most pertinent for me is the unity it creates between the body and the mind, via the breath.

Moving with purpose and fluidity increases physical space in the body as well as fuelling mental expansion. It allows us to recognise and release negative thinking patterns and limiting beliefs about ourselves and what we can achieve. Therefore what we practise and learn on the mat can influence our lives beyond it.

I offer 1:1 classes which can support and compliment the coaching journey. I also incorporate yoga and meditation practices into my workshops, if desired, to compliment the themes we’re exploring and to create a truly holistic experience.

Get in touch to discuss developing a workshop or training that incorporates yoga.