Building trusted relationships is at the heart of what I do.
My most impactful work emerges from deep and ongoing partnership with my clients.
Programmes and projects are co-created, based on my insight and experience coupled with your specific business needs.
I incorporate 360° assessments and personality profiling to support individual coaching and group development programmes:
Leadership Circle assessments are best-in-class tools that empower leaders and managers with clear cut insights into their strengths and development opportunities. Driven by an extensive database of over 4 million assessments, the Leadership Circle Profile™ 360° assessment is a data-driven model for leadership development, trusted by the most influential companies in the world.
It is the only 360° leadership assessment tool to uncover underlying habits for transformational change.
DiSC® is a personal assessment tool used by more than one million people every year to help improve teamwork, communication, and productivity in the workplace. The model provides a common language that people can use to better understand themselves and those they interact with—and then use this knowledge to reduce conflict and improve working relationships.